Each year betwen 2010 and 2016, Bristol CND asked young people aged 12-18 to show us, in a film or vlog 30–120 seconds long "What would you tell the world about nuclear weapons?".
The number of nuclear weapons in the world is now 75% less than in 1986 – it can be done! In the UK, in the age of austerity, all parties are questioning spending £205 billion on replacing Trident. Now we have the chance to lead the world and get rid of our immoral nuclear weapons.
Just take a look at what happened when we used nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Ngasaki and you'll know why not. Since 1945, fear of nuclear war has cast a shadow over the world, fear that it may happen by accident, fear as more fingers hover over more buttons that can unleash Armageddon. And the more we depend on them and spend on them, the more other countries will want to have their own. It has to stop and CND has been campaigning for over 50 years for global abolition of nuclear weapons.
To see all the films, use the menu at the top of the page.